Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

. . . some shared writings from Wine Brook Cottage . . .

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Good Morning!

No, I haven't been lost . . . . . just wandering . . . . again . . . . and today I thought that I'd take you back in time with me. Dawn's version of 'Time Travel' maybe. {g} On one of my lists lately there's been talk about goat's milk and oatmeal and such, and so my thoughts have been turning back to my childhood and the times when we had goats. Here we are . . . . this is Crystal and I . . . .

Later on Crystal had a baby and what a cute kid she was! . . . . and lively! You know any kids that like to climb on top of cars and eat the leaves off the top of lilac bushes?! Babe sure did!!
If you observe closely, you will see that Babe was balancing there, on top of the car, on just one tiny goat hoof. All of her other three legs are up in the tree! She was one very determined kid! Never worried about damaging the paint job on my parent's car either. That was minor when it came to filling her tummy full of tasty lilac leaves. If Babe had been a two legger I'm certain she would have been diagnosed as hyperactive. In her book, no doubt, she felt that she was just doing what goats should do.

Babe's favourite playmate was Sport, the Pointer and they spent many happy hours together. My Mom caught them on camera here after they'd flattened out a haystack. After all that hard work they were both exhausted and had decided to go no further 'til their energy reserves were restored.

Having goats as pets can be a lot of fun and I would highly recommend it to most anyone . . . . except perhaps someone who lives in an apartment house of course. However, if you have even a small acerage and your zoning laws allow it, a goat or two can be an enjoyable experience for both children and their parents.


At Friday, November 04, 2005 1:23:00 p.m., Blogger Leslie Shelor said...

What wonderful memories! I can't imagine a childhood without animals and your goat friends were very special. Love the Sport and Baby picture!

At Sunday, November 06, 2005 11:56:00 a.m., Blogger Saija said...

loving the pics and your memories!

it is a foggy sunday morning here, just catching up on your life! mine has been busy lately as well ...

blessings to you!

At Tuesday, November 08, 2005 4:25:00 a.m., Blogger Dawn said...

Glad you ladies enjoyed the pictures and the memories. :-) Animals have always been a large part of my life ..... always will be.

At Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:43:00 p.m., Blogger Linda said...

I'm just catching up on back blog reading - that goat photograph is sure something special, the one on the car. Would make you think twice about where to park!


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